October 20, 2024

Makeda Wiedman

Peaceful Joy

Top 5 Ancient European Wonders

Top 5 Ancient European Wonders


If you’ve ever wondered what Europe was like before it became the modern continent, it’s easy to see how much has changed over the years. The world has been consumed by empires and brutally invaded by foreign powers, but some cities still retain their ancient charm. Here are five sites that have stood the test of time:

Top 5 Ancient European Wonders


The Colosseum is an ancient Roman amphitheatre located in Rome, Italy. It was built between 70 and 80 AD, when Emperor Vespasian began a major renovation of the city. The Colosseum was one of the greatest architectural achievements of antiquity and it still stands today as a symbol of Roman power and wealth.

After its completion in 80 AD, this elliptical structure could hold 50 thousand spectators who came to watch gladiator fights or wild animal hunts (venationes).

It’s said that when Titus inaugurated it with 100 days of games he had exotic animals brought from Africa, Asia and Europe for display before being slaughtered by gladiators or hunters on stage before cheering crowds


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, 2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury. Stonehenge was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC by ancient Britons who lived in the surrounding area. The site and its surroundings were added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in 1986.

Stonehenge was built as a stone circle with a diameter of 100 metres (328 feet). It consists of large sandstone blocks that form rings around central pillars that stand between 5 metres (16 ft) and 6 metres (20 ft) high.[2] The tallest stone measures around 4 metres (13 ft) high; it weighs about 25 tons.[3] Each ring has two parallel walls called “sarsens” which are made from sandstone rock that were transported from Marlborough Downs 20 km away by glacial action thousands of years ago.[4]

The innermost ring contains bluestones which were brought from Wales 250 km away via rivers[5]. These have been placed vertically using mortar made from local clay deposits mixed with animal fat as adhesive elements between them.[6][7]

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is a 984-foot tall steel structure that was built for the 1889 World Fair. It was originally intended to be temporary, but it has become one of Paris’s most famous landmarks and has stood for over 120 years. The tower was constructed using 2.5 million rivets and weighs about 11,000 tons; its base covers an area of 17 acres!

The Eiffel Tower was made with steel because it’s strong enough to hold its own weight without needing support from other materials like concrete or stone (which would have made construction more difficult). Steel is also easy to work with–you can bend it into any shape you want–and won’t rust or decay over time like iron does when exposed directly outdoors like this huge structure must endure every day in order survive centuries worth of weather conditions ranging from blistering heat waves during summer months all the way down into freezing winter nights when temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius (-18 F).

Palace of Westminster

The Palace of Westminster is the home of the United Kingdom Parliament. The palace is located on the north bank of the River Thames, in the City of Westminster. The original structure was built in 1097, and has been expanded several times since then.

The building was destroyed by fire in 1512, with only its walls remaining intact; it was rebuilt as a royal palace by King Henry VIII in 1530-1532 (though he never actually lived there). In 1834, King William IV commissioned Sir Charles Barry to design an extension – today known as “Parliament Square” – which would become home to many important state ceremonies including coronations since then (most recently Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation).

Roman aqueducts

The Roman aqueducts were built to supply water to cities. The most famous of these was the Pont du Gard, which still stands today and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was built in France by slaves during the first century AD; this makes it one of the oldest man-made structures still standing today.

You can find these ancient European sites by traveling.

  • Travel to Europe
  • Find a tour that includes these sites
  • They are all in Europe, so you’ll have no trouble finding them!


There are many other ancient European wonders that you can visit. These five are just the tip of the iceberg, but they give you an idea of what’s out there. If you’re interested in seeing more sites like these ones then check out our list of top ten places to visit in Europe or read more about them here!