October 21, 2024

Makeda Wiedman

Peaceful Joy

Africa’s Greatest Sites

Africa’s Greatest Sites


Africa has some of the most spectacular natural attractions in the world. From snow-capped mountains to lush jungles, from sandy beaches to rocky deserts—Africa’s landscape is as diverse as it is wondrous. Here are some of my favorite places to visit:

Africa’s Greatest Sites

Victoria Falls – Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls is a waterfall located on the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is about twice as wide as Niagara Falls, making them the largest waterfall in terms of width.

To get to Victoria Falls, you’ll need to fly into Livingstone (Zambia) or Victoria Falls International Airport (Zimbabwe). The best way to do this is through Johannesburg, South Africa where you can find cheap flights from $100 USD round trip! The flight takes less than an hour each way and will leave you plenty of time for sightseeing once you arrive at your destination!

Table Mountain – South Africa

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town, South Africa. Table Mountain is a popular tourist attraction and landmark. It forms part of the Table Mountain National Park.

Table Mountain is a major international tourist attraction, with many visitors using it as their main reason for visiting Cape Town. It offers views of both False Bay and the Atlantic coastline from its highest points (Tafelberg being one such point).

The Cape Peninsula – South Africa

The Cape Peninsula is a peninsula that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean and is located in South Africa. It’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, with Table Mountain and Cape Point being two of its most well-known landmarks. The peninsula also houses Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years incarcerated as a political prisoner.

Kruger National Park – South Africa

Kruger National Park is located in the north-eastern part of South Africa. The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including lions and leopards, as well as over 1000 species of birds. The Kruger National Park was established in 1898 and has since been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It’s also one of the largest game reserves in Africa!

Sun City – South Africa

Sun City is a popular resort in the North West Province of South Africa. It’s known for its casinos, golf courses and hotels which are located on the edge of the Kalahari Desert. The resort attracts many tourists from all over the world as it offers great entertainment options such as night clubs, bars and restaurants where you can enjoy live music every night.

If you’re looking for something more adventurous then this place has plenty to offer you too! There are many activities available such as quad biking through sand dunes or flying through an obstacle course on horseback!

Sun City is definitely worth visiting if you want to experience real African culture while having fun at the same time!

The Okavango Delta – Botswana

The Okavango Delta lies in northern Botswana and forms part of the world’s largest inland delta. It is a vast network of waterways that flow south from the Okavango River, which flows through Angola and Namibia before reaching its terminus at Lake Ngami.

The Okavango Delta is home to thousands of animals including many species of fish, birds and mammals; elephant numbers are particularly high here thanks to abundant water sources and lush vegetation throughout most seasons (it can even grow during dry spells). In addition to its wildlife population, this area also boasts some fascinating cultural attractions including ancient rock paintings found along riverbanks and sites where Bushmen lived centuries ago

Namib Desert – Namibia

The Namib Desert is one of the oldest deserts in the world, and it’s also one of the most arid regions on Earth. It stretches along Namibia’s Atlantic coastline for over 1,200 miles (2,000 km). The desert gets its name from its narrowness: “Namib” means “vast place” in Khoisan languages spoken by local indigenous peoples.

The desert is home to many rare and endangered species including black rhinos, cheetahs and oryxes that make their home here because there isn’t much competition for food or shelter with other animals. These animals have adapted to living in such harsh conditions by eating plants that grow under boulders where water tends not to collect; drinking dew off leaves; storing fat under their skin during good years so they aren’t hungry during bad ones; sleeping out under stars instead of burrowing underground like other mammals would do; traveling long distances without food when rains come every few years–these are just some examples!

As if this weren’t enough reason already why we should protect these beautiful creatures from poachers who want nothing more than money…there’s even more: geological formations such as Table Mountain National Park which includes towering sandstone cliffs overlooking lush vegetation below them like green oasis amidst endless dunes…or Etosha Pan which has been described as being “like going back millions years into past history.”

Drakensberg Mountains – South Africa

The Drakensberg (or uKhahlamba) mountain range is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in Africa. It has been described as a “wall of granite” and forms part of South Africa’s Great Escarpment, which runs for about 1,600 kilometers from north to south.

The highest peak is called Thabana Ntlenyana, which means “White Lady”. Its name comes from its white quartzite rock formations that contrast sharply against the greens and browns of surrounding vegetation. The mountain has also been known by other names such as ‘Matterhorn’ or ‘Kruger’s Peak’.

The Drakensberg (or uKhahlamba) mountain range is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in Africa.

The Drakensberg (or uKhahlamba) mountain range is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in Africa. At 2082 meters high, the highest peak is called Thabana Ntlenyana, which means “White Lady”. The range extends for 250 km across two provinces in KwaZulu-Natal and Lesotho . It includes a number of peaks over 2000m and some over 3000m.

For those looking for an adrenaline rush, there are many activities available such as zip lining through forests or rappelling down cliffs with stunning views of South Africa’s highest peaks below you!

Explore these beautiful sites on your next trip to Africa

  • Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe
  • Serengeti National Park – Tanzania
  • Ngorongoro Crater – Tanzania
  • Kilimanjaro National Park – Tanzania


If you’re looking for a new adventure, we recommend checking out these incredible sites in Africa. The continent has many beautiful natural wonders that will leave you breathless. From Victoria Falls to Kruger National Park and beyond, there are so many places to explore!